Thursday, June 6

Journal #13: Pheromones Cologne

Journal #3: Pheromones Cologne

While surfing the net about pheromones, I came across the website “” that claims to be selling pheromone colognes and perfumes that obviously, contains pheromones and will help “increase frequency of dates, affectionate gestures, sleeping next to a romantic partner and sexual activities”.

Pheromones at Work?

Personal response:
My first reaction to this was to ridicule it as I recognized one part to be incorrect (shown to me by marks off in my exam), where it states pheromones “release neurotransmitters that directly modify the behavior of the opposite sex”—which is untrue, as it is not only limited to the opposite sex and that “the people who produce higher than average amounts of pheromones have greater success with members of the opposite sex”—to which I frowned a bit upon, because it sounded like the classic advertisement scam of “the more the better!”. With the definition of its being a form of chemical communication between members of the same species, it is still very much unknown for what exactly it does in human, and how much it really affects us as we’re a practically scentless, clean bunch (with the exception of artificial sprays). According to a study, there is a correlation between pheromones and frequency of all those activities mentioned above; however, as pheromones are still a very much unstudied topic, several question do rise: how much do pheromones contribute to our daily interactions with others? Do pheromones even affect us the way they do with animals?

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